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Jeton Muja
'Artistic protest', 2009, Town of Gjilan, Kosovo

Performance /2009
This performance was an artistic protest, that i used the kite with spider-man, which was supposed the appearance of the imaginative hero as a saviors force to the chaotic situation in Kosovo, that was created in the post war period , also not reconcile the bad situation and discrimination of artists.
Performancë /2009
Kjo performancë ka qenë një protestë artistike ku, si pra- element kam përdorur fluturake me spider-man e cila ka pasë qëllim shfaqjen e heroit imagjinativ si nje force shpetimtare te gjendjes kaotike ne Kosove te krijuar ne periudhen e pasluftes si dhe mos pajtimin me gjendjen e rënde dhe diskriminuese të artisteve.
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