Jeton Muja
Video 'Enquete Continue', part of performance at Commission des Recours des Réfugiés, Paris, 2007-2008

National Gallery of Kosovo
Jeton Muja’s art practice has always been dedicated to investigation and research of different media, themes and ways of expression. Since 2004, his essential leitmotiv has been the syntagma “Investigation continues”, the slogan used in his home country for the people who disappeared during the war. He has been articulating the concept of investigation through drawings, videos, installations and performances.
Muja used “Investigation continues” as a metaphor, based on the fact that in postwar and post-independence reality of Kosovo, unfortunately, investigations didn’t continue, they were only simulated.
Later, the idea of 'asylum' emerged. His personal exhibitions in France and Belgium, as well as his performance “Enquete Continue“ in front of the National Court for Emigration Right in Paris (where he stayed as emigrant asking for asylum) have influenced reflections about contemporary emigrations, where as an actual challenge of every individual who lives in the country of “Investigation continues” kind, the will to emigrate emerges for the only reason of not being a victim of this authoritative fixation on false security.